Reiki Classes
Reiki Level 1: (also have classes for children 6 - 12)
Prerequisite: Willingness to learn with an open mind.
Benefits: Increase self-esteem; Be guided to the right direction in life. Learn self-care and to help others. Course Outline:
Introduction to Reiki includes history, principals, sensitizing hands, Attunement, specialties and benefits of Reiki; Chakra system, Chakra Meditation, Reiki and emotions, 21 days cleansing and practice tips, Opportunities to practice on self, partner and group treatments.
Class Time: 4 hours on 2 days. Total 8 hours
Fees: $200. Includes reading material, photo of Dr. Usui, the founder and the certificate.
Children: $125
Reiki Level 2: (also have classes for children 6 - 12)
Most exciting thing about Reiki level 2 is, gaining power for distant healing! Yes it is true!!! You can send healing to any one all over the world!!! Get healing power increased 4 times more than first level, develop an intuitive sense through a third eye chakra, heals deeply at mental and emotional levels to remove healing blocks and get help to change unwanted habits, heal the past or prepare for future and achieve goals.
Prerequisite: Practice of Reiki level 1 for 21 days to raise vibrations at higher level to assimilate the vibrations of 2nd level and remembrance of all hand positions.
Course Outline: Learn 3 Reiki symbols to gain the benefits mentioned above. Receive attunement for the symbols, different ways of absentee healing, Mantra meditation, Reiki box, practice tips, 24 hour Reiki, psycho- surgery, special way to treat back, opportunity to practice on self, partner and group treatment.
Fees: $275 Includes reading material and a certificate.
Class time: 4 hours on both days--- total 8 hours
Children: $190
Reiki Level 3A (advance healing techniques):
Prerequisite: Reiki level 2, Remembering 3 reiki symbols
Course Outline: Reiki healing process, Attunement, Moving Meditation, Reiki Crystal Grid, Aura Clearing, Reiki Master Symbol, + 5 other healing Symbols, 3 Antahkaran symbols, Boysen (sickness place) Scanning, Intuitive Reiki, Use of Pendulum to know how the chakras are working and chakra balancing. Enough time for self, group and partner treatment.
Benefits: Spiritual growth, Increased healing power 5 times than 1st level. Can use master symbols for clients healing.
Fees: $350. Certificate and reading material included.
Class time: 5 hours on both days--- total 10 hours
Reiki Mastership: (3B)
Through the master training, student becomes Reiki Master. New Reiki Master can attune other people to reiki and teach from level 1 to Master Level Healing power increases 10 times more than level 1.
Prerequisite: Reiki level 3A (Advance Healing Techniques)
Course Outline: Learning Tibetan master symbol and Fire Serpent, Meditation for bringing in the light, Master Meditation, preparation for attunement, Hui Yin exercise, violet breath, healing attunement, self attunement, attunements for level 1, 2, 3a, and master level Some extra healing positions for faster and powerful healing. Enough time to practice attunements.
Fees: $550 Includes Reiki Master Manual, certificate Big picture of Dr. Usui and Usui Memorial place.
Class time: 6 hours on both days--- total 12 hours
Karuna Reiki
Karuna Reiki is a higher form of Reiki developed by William Lee Rand, a founder of The International Center for Reiki Training in the United States. Karuna means compassionate action. The base of Karuna Reiki is compassion and unconditional love. When we work with Karuna Reiki, we open up to work with all enlightened beings and get a continuous flow of healing energy from enlightened beings whether they are in form or in spirit. The symbols given work at at a deeper level. The course manuals and certificates come from the International Center for Reiki Training.
Karuna Reiki has 3 levels; Level 1, 2 and Master Level
Pre Requisite: For level 1 and 2 in Karuna Reiki is Level 3A of Usui Reiki system. Karuna Reiki Level 1 & 2 : The class for both levels are conducted on 2 consecutive days 5 t0 6 hours on both days.
Course Outline: Deeper understanding of Karuna reiki, Healing Shadow self, Attunement for Four symbols for level 1 & four symbols for level 2, activating symbols, preparing to give Karuna reiki treatment, chanting and toning. Enough time for self, partner and group treatments.
Specialties of karuna Reiki 1 symbols:
First symbol heals on cellular level, heals past issues, heals child abuse, we can call upon Archangel Gabriel. Second Symbol heals unconscious patterns, shadow self, sexual and physical abuse issues, dispels psychic and psychological attacks, can help with tumors and cysts. Third symbol heals relationships, develops good habits, heals addictions, develops compassionate action, can contact spiritual beings. Forth symbol heals lower chakras, clears mind, clears a room of negative energies, harmonises upper chakras with lower chakras, creates determination and completion, manifests material goals and good for completing a session.
Specialties of Karuna Reiki 2 symbols:
First symbol connects the higher self with the lower self, improves learning ability, heals communication, increases creativity. Second symbol is used for grounding, it manifest goals, creates priorities, heals human race. Third symbol helps claiming one's power, heals confidence, heals reality awareness, empowers goals and heals earth. Forth symbol brings peace and creates trust in life, heals insomnia, heals fear and panic, manifests the best results, increases clairvoyance.
Fees: $ 375. includes manual and certificate.
Karuna Reiki Mastership:
It prepares a student for teaching Karuna Reiki level 1, 2 and Mastership Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Mastership. Class time: Total 10 to 12 hours on 2 consecutive days. Course Outline: Learning Karuna Reiki master symbol and 2 Tibetan Symbols, learning preparation to give attunements, how to give attunements for Karuna Reiki 1 & 2 practitioner attunements, and Karuna 1 and 2 Master level attunements. Enough time to practice attunements. Chanting and toning, learning about minimum teaching standards.
Fees: $550 Includes manual and certificate
Specialties of Karuna Reiki Master symbols:
Master symbol symbolizes oneness and connects us to it. It purifies, protects, seals and stabilizes the Aura. Opens the crown and pathway to God and higher consciousness. Tibetan master symbol connects at mother earth star chakra to assist in being centered and grounded in their spiritual purpose. Tibetan symbol 2 It aligns all chakras and the energy bodies simultaneously. it prepares participant for the depth of Karuna Reiki.
Pranic Healing
A method of healing all kinds of physical and mental diseases without medicine, side effects, pain or touch. Energy present in the universe is used for the treatment of human aura (bioplasmic body). It is believed that disease first manifests in aura and then in the physical body, so cleansing and energizing the aura heals. By cleansing aura, diseased energy, germs and viruses get swept away from the body and the holes and cracks in outer aura can be sealed to stop leakage of energy--- pran-shakti--. At the same time we can strengthen the aura. No special skill or educational background is required to learn.
Course Outline: Exercises for lifting diaphragm, Pranic breathing, Sensitizing hands, Invocation, Feeling Aura, Understanding Chakra system, Scanning for detecting congestion-depletion or energetic deficiency, Sweeping--- General & Local, Cleansing the Chakras, Increasing Receptivity, Energizing, stabilizing, Cutting cord. Tween Heart meditation
Fees: $250
Class Time: eight hours.
Pranayama is the 4th limb in 8-fold discipline of a 'Hatha Yoga' in Patanjali Yoga Sutra. The word Pranayama consists of the synthesis of two Sanskrit words. pran-breath/respiration/energy/vitality + ayam-control. Thus pranayama is the control of one's breath. Simply put, Science of Breath. While performing pranayama, the individual essentially focuses on control of breathing pattern- inhaling, exhaling and breath holds.The practice of Pranayama helps strengthen respiratory system, enhance oxygen supply to vital organs, soothe nerves, increase ability to concentrate and focus. It directly works on mental and emotional levels. Come on an empty stomach
Class time: one hour
Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation technique includes relaxation, concentration and self-awareness. It helps to release tension and negativity; brings lightness of body, agility, efficiency and creativity. Meditation blesses one with a tranquil mind and allows to transcend over mind and matter into spirituality. During the class learn how to be mindful in daily life and experience guided meditation. Wear loose fitting cloths around the waist.
Class Time: 8 weekly classes of one hour
Fees: $250
Chakra Meditation & Yoga
Chakra Meditation
Chakras are energy centres in the subtle body. They are located at the physical counterparts of the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. They are the reservoirs and distribution centres of vital energy throughout the body. Functioning of chakras is important for overall health., Physical, Mental, Emotional and spiritual. Meditation on chakras can heal the chakras. During the class we will work on 7 major chakras. With some light exercises for joint opening, special exercises for each chakra and Meditation
Class Time: 8 weekly classes of one hour
Fees: $250
Chakra Yoga:
Chakras are energy centers in the subtle body. They are located at the physical counterparts of the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. They are the reservoirs and distribution centers of vital energy throughout the body. Functioning of chakras is important for overall health. During the class we will work on 7 major chakras with yoga poses, special breathing exercises, chanting and relaxation.
Class Time: 8 weekly classes of one hour
Fees: $200
Yoga & Pranayama
Yoga, Pranayama( Yoga Breathing )& Relaxation For Back :
The program is designed to strengthen the back, make the spine healthy and alleviate the pain by doing some yoga postures according to one's physical capacity; Pranayama with Healing Mudras and guided Relaxation. It will provide a good supply of oxygen to the different parts of the back, soothe the nerves, relax the body and mind by stress release.
Bring your Yoga mat and a heavy blanket. Come on empty stomach.
Fees: one on one $80 -- In the group $25
Class Time : one hour
Yoga, Pranayama and Relaxation For Menopause:
The program is designed with comfortable yoga postures to help with Symptoms like hot flushes, night sweating, sleep disorder, mood swing and depression due to hormonal changes. Pranayama with healing mudras will provide a good supply of oxygen to lower abdominal area, soothe the nerves and calm the mind. Guided relaxation will release stress, relax deeply and prepare to accept natural change in life cycle.
Bring your yoga mat and a heavy blanket. Come on empty stomach
Fees: one on one $80 -- In the group $25
Class Time: one hour.
Healing Mudras
Healing Mudras: (Yoga of Hands):
Do you want to learn a simple and completely different way of Healing? This Class is for you. By doing various seals with fingers and thumbs; we can let the healing energy flow to different parts of the body by opening the energy Channels --(meridians). Our fingers represent different elements of nature namely, earth, water, fire, air and space. Our bodies are created of these basic elements. By balancing them, we can address health issues. During class we will learn to work on body detox; brain -- for calming the nerves, improving concentration; problems regarding eyes, hearing, weight, skin and blood impurities; protecting heart.
Come on empty stomach.
Fees: one on one $80 -- In the group $25
Class time: one hour.
Quit Smoking
Quit smoking with breathing exercises:
Helps reverse the adverse effects of smoking on health and decrease cravings to smoke. Regular practice can lead to becoming aware of the root cause of the habit and deal directly with it.
Course Outline: loosening joints exercises, chest and lungs opening exercises, proper breathing techniques, removing stale air from the body, taking out frustrations and negativities, soothing the nerves, cooling down the body, strengthening the liver and guided relaxation.
Please come with empty stomach.
Fees: one on one $80 -- In the group $25
Class time: one hour
Emotional Release
Emotional Release:
Do you know that negative emotions get stored in the different parts of the body and creates aches and pain? Medicine does not help much in this kind of situation. At the most one can get temporary relief. It can keep one stuck in life and can not move forward, reach goals and desired life.
If that is a case for you, come and join my upcoming workshop to release emotions. Workshop details:
1. you will learn which emotions are stuck in which part of the body.
2. Will do some breathwork to release emotions.
3. Get aura clearing with Reiki to enhance the results of breath work.
Fees: on on one $80 -- In the group $30 .
Healing Inner Child Meditation
Healing inner child Meditation:
We all have childhood traumas at conscious or sub conscious level weather we are aware of it or not. Our inner child remains buried under our running around and day-to-day duties. We need to bring it out to reach our full potential. During this program we will remember attributes of a child and then I will guide meditation to connect with our inner child and become joyous
Fees: $80 one on one in a group $30
Group Healing
Group Healing:
Are you stressed out? Want relaxation and rejuvenation? Want to be free from most of the aches and pains? Come for a group healing session. It is affordable This special program has been developed after more than 23 years practice of Reiki, Pranic Healing, Meditation and spiritual growth. The purpose of developing group healing is to make healing affordable to everyone. You will be energized with calmness of mind.
Fees: $35
East Indian Vegetarian Cooking
East Indian Vegetarian Cooking Class:
Learn to prepare delicious vegetarian food containing life force energy and nutrition that is rich in protein, well-balanced and tasty. Enjoy preparing varieties from different regions of India; while learning more about the health benefits of the unique ingredients and spices as per Indian Ayurveda. Several recipes to choose from according to your own
need. During one class 4 dishes will be taught. Recipes are included. Extra food to taste and take home.
Anjna was born and raised as a vegetarian with 55 years cooking experience!! She has taught various cooking classes at Medicine Hat College as well as privately.
Class time: 2.5 hours
Fees: $60
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