My Treatments

Full Body Reiki Treatment
1 Hour 15 minutes - $120
Seniors & Students Rates - $100
Half Hour Reiki Treatment
1/2 Hour - $75
Seniors & Students Rates - $70
Special Rates for
Special Needs Children
First Three Reiki Treatments - FREE
Full Body Reiki Treatment - $75
Services in Person & Distance
During treatment the client rests comfortably on a massage table fully clothed. Soft music gets played. The therapist lays hands on different parts of the body or keeps them slightly above the body parts. The client may feel heat, cold or tingling sensations.
Treatment lasts for an hour and 15 minutes. Most of the time the client falls asleep during treatment.
Post treatment discussion is about the effect felt and further treatment plan. I may teach few exercises, yoga poses or breathing exercises as a bonus for clients to do at home to aid further healing, and some dietary suggestions as needed.
Anyone wishing to learn and help one's self and others, can learn it without any bar of age, religion, creed, cast, culture, education or occupation. Once learned, Reiki remains for life time with the person